
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Beanie Babies

We planted beanie babies. We put a bean seed in a baggie that has a damp paper towel in it. After wetting the paper towel and putting it in the baggie we staple the baggie half way down so the seed will sit on the staples. That helps so the seed will not rot. Then we add a sticker, zip the bag shut and watch the seeds sprout.

Krissy is a Flower - iMovie made by a kindergartner

Plant Work Stations

We started new work stations this week. They are all about plants. We are learning the parts of plants, planting Beaning Babies, working on vowels, creating iMovies about "If I Were a Flower," creating popplets about plants,making an art project about the things plants need to survive and so much more........

Monday, May 20, 2013

We started our plant unit

We did an experiment about pollination today

We used Cheetos as the pollen

We collected pollen from our friends flowers (Cheetos)

We did an experiment to see if seed will germinate without soil.

We put a different kind of seed in each finger of the glove and we added a few drops of water. We will see what germinates and what kind of seed germinates first. We planted a melon seed, tomato seed, bean seed, corn seed, and wheat seed.

We read the story "The Tall Tall Grass" We

We discussed what we might see in the tall tall grass.

We made tall tall grass hats and then made things we might see in the grass.

We shared our animal reports with our friends in Mexico

Each class shared their animal reports